Monday, July 8, 2013


    I'm finally getting around to starting up a blog for my cooking! Its been a long time coming but Ive finally managed to squeeze in some time! I may not update as much as you would like but please bare with me I have a very active 2 1/2 year old! (what 2 1/2 year old is very active?) So if i miss a few days here and there im not sorry im a busy mom!! :-p A little back story as a child i lived with my grandparents and had the amazing grandmother who cooked everything! Food was a big part of my childhood, hanging out with nan as she cooked every meal (most from scratch.) I fell in love with cooking,All the delicate herbs and spices.. I couldnt get enough.I cooked some amazing food threw my teen years but never really went anywhere with it! I became pregnant in Feb of 09 and my love and passion for food came back. All the amazing smells and tastes came back! (maybe because I quite smoking? or maybe just all the crazy cravings) I was in love with food again.But I knew I had to change my eating habits. As the cravings came I decided to test out new and fresher foods.I was determined to get fresh and whole foods in my diet. I like most thought uggghh this is going to be expensive but as I started buying better food and less crap my grocery bill started going down. I have many tips and tricks to saving money that I will share at a later date! But anyways after the birth of my son fresh food was in! I was going to do it and I did it and will never look back! My sons 2 1/2 now and loves being involved in cooking and will eat just about any fresh fruit or veggie over a bag of chips any day!! I decided a few months ago to take peta's 30 day vegan challenge and as you can see by the name of my blog im still vegan!! It was a hard switch but well worth it! My son is not a vegan nor vegetarian he has some sensory issues and I feel as though he can make that choice for himself later! Although he still eats pretty clean! So you may see a few posts here or there that are not vegan!! With all that rambling out of the way Welcome to my blog Berkshire Vegan Mom! Hope you enjoy my recipes as much as I do!

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